Standard listing - no highlighted background
Standard listings are displayed below priority listings
Price is for one full year - includes logo picture
Your phone number and website link included
Approx 60 words can be written in this information box
01234 567890 Website >>>
Priority listings will always be at the top of page
Price is for one full year - includes logo picture
Highlighted white background with drop shadow
Your phone number and website link included
Approx 60 words can be written in this information box
01234 567890 Website >>>
Priority Listing only £29.00
(for a limited time - normal price £58)
Standard Listing only £20.00
(for a limited time - normal price £40)
BASIC LISTING £10 per year 01234 567890 Website >>>
Basic Listing only £10.00
(for a limited time - normal price £20)
Basic Listing includes your company name, phone number, and website link
After submitting your payment remember to send details of your listing from the CONTACT US page
Pay for one listing on this wedding directory
And you will get a FREE LISTING on our
And also our
Please select your listing choice from the options below. Priority listings will be displayed above all other listings, followed by Standard and then Basic listings. Having submitted your payment you must then email your details from the “contact us” page. You will receive an email informing you that your listing is live normally within 2 days of submitting your payment, often on the same day.